11th Genova Film Festival
30th June/ 6th July 2008
Genoa - Italy
Object: Albanian Cinema Exhibition in Genova Film Festival
To: Tirana International Film Festival
the 11th GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL will take place in Genoa, Italy, from the 30th of June to the 6th of July 2008.
GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is the most important Cinema Festival in Ligury and one of the most appreciated in Italy. In eleven years it has had an audience of thousands of people, and more than 1.400 films have been shown in the previous ten editions. One of the most important events of eleventh GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is Oltre il Confine - Over the Border, exhibition dedicated to an international Cinematography not well distributed in Italy.
Every year “Oltre il Confine” (“Over the Border”) proposes to the Italian audience a not well known international cinematography in order to make people know a different cinema from commercial one; a cinema that is expression of a culture too.
One of the aims of GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is to contribute to an alternative cinema distribution. Entrance is free of charge.
Every year “Oltre il Confine” (“Over the Border”) shows a large number of feature films, shorts and documentaries that rapresent the chosen country.
This year GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to dedicate “Oltre il Confine” to Albanian Cinema. GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to show the best of Albanian audio-visual production from the Nineties to today. The Albanian Cinema Exhibition will include feature films, shorts and animation films, screening the best ones. We would like to propose to the festival audience some of the most well-known Albanian masterpieces too. GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to invite some Albanian directors for a meeting with festival audience.
In order to well organize this Albanian Cinema Exhibition we formally ask the cooperation of Tirana International Film Festival. We need your help to establish institutional partnership and to contact Albanian directors to get preview copies of Albanian films in DVD (subtitled in English or, if the copy already exists, in Italian) in order to choose features length and shorts to insert in our review.
We thank you in advance for your interest and help and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.
the Direction
Cristiano Palozzi
Antonella Sica
Associazione Culturale Daunbailò
Via Tavella 10R 16136 Genova - Italy
ph +39 010 2725915 - Ph +39 010 5573958 – mobile +39 349 6222857
e-mail: segreteria@genovafilmfestival.it
U.R.L. http://www.genovafilmfestival.it/
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